1 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

Costa Rica uses artificial intelligence to combat hate speech

Costa Rica will be the first Central American nation to use artificial intelligence to combat hate speech and discrimination.

The National Artificial Intelligence Strategy was developed with the support of the United Nations country team, according to the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Costa Rica, Allegar Baiocchi.

The Costa Rican government signed an agreement with UNESCO for the strategy to use artificial intelligence with an ethical approach and to promote sustainable development and human rights, as well as to stimulate innovation.

The UN staff’s support work to combat hate speech in Costa Rica also includes the three investigations it has done on hate speech, as well as on discrimination against women and xenophobia.

The UN also works with civil society, the private sector and the authorities in identifying trends in these harmful manifestations of the social fabric.

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