5 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

A survey on Basic Income with results to take into consideration

This survey on various aspects of Basic Income among the population aged 16 and over living in Catalonia offers very interesting data that have not been asked about in previous surveys on Basic Income.

A few technical details of this survey. The first wave was carried out from 25 to 28 September 2022 and the second wave from 11 to 18 November. The sample was 3,098 people and the interview duration was 20-25 minutes.

The survey illustrates many issues of which only a few are highlighted here. Given the dates of the interview, they are very topical.

Some of the most salient results are as follows.

85% of those surveyed agree with having a BR in Catalonia, and 50% within this group strongly agree. Fifteen percent disagreed and within this group, 7% strongly disagreed.

Once the BR was defined to the respondents, according to the definition used by the Pilot Plan Office, which is the one usually used at the international level, only 8.8% of the respondents thought that the BR was different from what they had previously believed. Thus, knowing the details of BR, 79% would approve of its implementation.

By gender, there was no difference in the rating, which was 6.6; by age group, the most favourable group was between 16 and 29 years old with 7, and the most unfavourable group was between 20 and 49 years old with 6.2.

By employment status, the least favourable group was the one in an ERTE with 4.6, and the most favourable group was the one not in employment with 7. By level of education, there were no major differences, the highest score being 6.9 for the group with ESO or equivalent.

Perhaps of particular interest is the level of acceptance of BR by groups according to sympathy for political parties. From lowest to highest: Vox (4.4), Partido Popular (4.9), Ciudadanos (5.3), PSC (6.7), Junts (6.7), ERC (7.1), ECP (7.8) and CUP (8.2). Literally from extreme right to extreme left, from least to most popular. There were other response options such as “No party” (5.8) and “Other parties to be specified” (6.1).

The highest reasons for valuing BR were “Fighting poverty” (19%) and “Greater solidarity” (18.7%). By far the highest reason for rejection was “Disincentive to seek to earn a living” (16.8%).

Interesting is also the section on what respondents think would change their life with BR. Between “a little”, “quite a lot” and “a lot”, 72.3% of respondents said “a little”, “quite a lot” and “a lot”. “Not at all” 27.7%.

As far as studies are concerned, 76% of those who are studying were of the opinion that they would continue their education with a BR, and among those who are not studying, 41% considered that they might reprimand their studies.

One area where it is perceived that BR could change lives is in time management. Participation in organisations or associations on an unpaid basis would increase by 51%, 72% would devote more time to the family and 71% would devote more time to culture, sports, tourism, etc.

22% would start their own business.

As for the employment situation, 68.6% would not make any changes and would maintain their working hours and conditions; 20.1% would continue with their current occupation, but would reduce their working hours; 3.7% would stop working as salaried employees.

The “day-to-day economy” would be the main destination of the BR money from the age of 30 onwards. Only 16-29-year-olds prioritise other expenses such as “Housing” and “Financial management” which, despite remaining in the top positions, lose weight as age increases.

The perception of what the future would be like 5 years after the implementation of the BR: 24% of people consider that they would be “Calmer”, 21% that they would be “The same” and 20% that they would be “Happier”.

Agreement with paying more tax decreases as income increases and among people who consider themselves politically on the centre right.

On the amount of 800 euros that the Pilot Plan envisaged: 66% consider it adequate, 21% high, and 13% low.

On the need to carry out a test as envisaged in the Pilot Plan: 76% in favour and 24% against.

This has been a certain summary, but the advice is to go directly to the survey just published, there is a lot of information to take into account.

Daniel Raventós


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