1 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

Don’t Nuke the Pacific/ Don’t Nuke the Hudson River – Rally and March on Saturday, April 8, 1PM

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World and other NY groups will rally to oppose Japan and Holtec’s plans to dump radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean and the Hudson River respectively. In April 2021, the Japanese government announced that it will start discharging 350 million+ gallons of radioactive “treated” wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi into the Pacific starting from Spring 2023. Holtec, the owner of Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant just north of NYC, recently announced its plans to dump large amounts of radioactive wastewater into the Hudson River in August or September. They might release it earlier than it is planned.

These dumping practices will become bad precedent, and other nuclear power plants in and outside the US might follow the practice. The dumping of this radioactive wastewater would cause irreparable damage to our planet, and will affect everything from the smallest creatures in the water to our human living conditions and everyday lives.

MARCH & RALLY: Don’t Nuke the Pacific! ️
Don’t Nuke the Hudson River!

Saturday, April 8 @ 1:00 pm
New York Public Library steps (42nd St)

If the weather is nice, we plan to march to the Japanese Consulate and the Hudson River after the rally in front of the NYPL. For more information, please contact info@panys.org.

Pressenza New York


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