3 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

No to Sky Shield

No to Sky Shield!

The rapprochement with NATO is being pushed by Viola Amherd by hook or by crook. After the undemocratic purchase of the F-35 fighter jets, which can only be used in exchange with the USA, the refusal to sign the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which is a thorn in the side of NATO, and the announcement to conduct joint military maneuvers with NATO in the future, comes another blow against Switzerland’s neutrality: Last week Amherd signed a declaration of intent to join the Sky Shield cooperation alliance.

Sky Shield is a NATO project in the field of air defense that is being built in Europe and is explicitly targeted against Russia. Several European NATO countries and soon Switzerland are planning to create a joint missile shield using military technology from the U.S. and Israel. The goal is “synergies” at various levels, including military data exchange and cooperation on attacks on the airspace of Sky Shield countries. Neutral countries such as Switzerland and Austria are to be seamlessly integrated into NATO’s military structures by means of Sky Shield.

No NATO cooperation!

The Swiss Peace Movement SFB (Schweizerische Friedensbewegung) clearly opposes any further rapprochement or cooperation with NATO. NATO is a war alliance that in the past has launched wars against Yugoslavia, Libya and other countries in violation of international law and has played a decisive role in the escalation of the Ukraine conflict.

Amherd’s undemocratic decision, in which the parliament and the population had no say, is also a clear military positioning against Russia. The missile shield is directed against none other than Russia. By joining the “Sky Shield” alliance, the Federal Council is stating very clearly that Switzerland will not mediate or offer its diplomatic services in the event of a further escalation of the Ukraine war, but will stand by the NATO bloc militarily.

Sky Shield does not bring more security but increases the risk of Switzerland becoming a target of attack in international conflicts. We remind the government that peace and security in Europe can only be achieved with and not against Russia. Switzerland must under no circumstances become part of the “Sky Shield Initiative”. The behavior of Federal Councillor Amherd in recent months is scandalous and unacceptable. The SFB demands the immediate resignation of the warmonger Viola Amherd.

Swiss Peace Movement SFB

Pressenza Zürich


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