1 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

March for peace from Trieste (Italy) to Ljubljana (Slovenia)

From June 21st to June 23rd a march for peace was held from Trieste (Italy) to the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, organized by Walk Peace, after the first one from Rijeka (Croatia) to Trieste in March.

On friday 21st the activists moved from Villa Opicina (Trieste) to Matavun (Slovenia), attending a culture festival in the evening. On saturday 22nd they went to Logatec via Pivka. The final route on sunday 23rd from Logatec to the central square in Ljubljana where the partecipants sang songs of peace and read tales of hope.

One of the “walkers” also promoted, during the route, the “3rd World March for Peace and nonviolence” that will start on October 2nd in Costarica.

Walk Peace will organize next march from 5th to 8th October from Ljubljana to Rijeka.


Davide Bertok


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