7 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

China and the new US nuclear strategy

The Anglo-Jewish axis would outline for the next five years a plan that would involve the recovery of the role of the US as a world gendarme through an extraordinary increase in US military interventions abroad to recover the Unipolarity in global geopolitical framework; following the Wolfowitz Doctrine, which outlined “a policy of unilateralism” and “preventive military action to suppress possible threats from other nations and prevent dictatorships from being elevated to the status of a superpower”.

Biden and the “Nuclear Employment Guide”
According to the New York Times, President Joe Biden approved a highly classified nuclear strategic plan in March called the “Nuclear Employment Guide”. The Plan “aims, for the first time, to prepare the United States for possible coordinated nuclear challenges by China, Russia and North Korea and for the first time, reorients the US deterrence strategy to focus on China’s rapidly expanding nuclear arsenal” and according to the US newspaper, “This change occurs when the Pentagon estimates that China’s reserves will rival in size and diversity those of the US and Russia over the next decade”.

The document is updated every four years but it is so highly classified that there is no electronic copy, only a small number of hard copies distributed to a few national security officials and Pentagon commanders. Thus, according to U.S.News, “the White House has not publicly announced Biden’s approval of the plan, but an unclassified notification to Congress is expected before he leaves office”.

The nuclear triad 
China’s nuclear expansion would have raised alarm bells in the Pentagon as it would move faster than expected by US intelligence officials due to the change implemented by President Xi Jinping after abandoning the old strategy of maintaining a “minimum deterrent” and adopt the Nuclear Triad Doctrine nuclear, consisting of “matching or exceeding the size of Russian and US nuclear arsenals by 2035”.
Since the presidency of Harry Truman, this strategy has focused mainly on the Kremlin’s arsenal but for the first time, China appears in Biden’s new guidelines before the evidence of a change in the world nuclear cartography, as the new strategy emphasizes “the need to simultaneously deter Russia, the People’s Republic of China and North Korea”.

Thus, according to estimates by the Pentagon, China’s nuclear strength would increase to 1,000 nuclear warheads by 2030 and to 1,500 by 2035; with which the Chinese nuclear arsenal would equal the number of nuclear warheads currently owned by both the United States and Russia and would sign part of the new nuclear triad, thus putting the US nuclear arsenal in a clear inferiority position to the Russian-axisChinese in the event of a nuclear conflagration.

Is NATO seeking the subjugation of China and Russia?
Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his book «Between two ages: The role of the United States in the techno-tronic era» (1.971), indicates that «the era of rebalancing global power has come, and this power must be handed over to a new global political order based on a trilateral economic link between Japan, Europe and the US». Such a doctrine would imply the submission of Russia and China and would include the possibility of a US pre-emptive nuclear attack using Trident II missiles against vital Russian and Chinese targets.

The Ukrainian-Otan offensive on the Russian region of Kursk would be a confirmation of NATO’s entry into open conflict with Putin’s Russia, which according to the Russian nuclear doctrine would allow Putin to use «non-strategic» nuclear weapons, also known as «tactical nuclear weapons», according to the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and of which Russia would possess about 1,800 warheads and NATO would have deployed 250 warheads in Europe.

Thus, according to the nuclear doctrine, the Russian Federation will be able to use its nuclear arsenal in case “an enemy attack with conventional weapons threatens the existence of Russia”, which would be carried out in the current Ukrainian-Otanian military operation in Kursk.

AUKUS and the nuclear crisis arc 
China and the US maintain differences regarding autonomy and status of Taiwan and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. China is fully aware that the strategic agreement between Australia, the UK and the US, known as AUKUS, symbolizes a change in the world geopolitical mapping by displacing the Atlantic stage by the Indo-Pacific as the epicenter of the geopolitical pulse between the US and China.

The US has allocated $1.9 billion for resupply of US weapons to Taiwan while it is deploying a new system of ground launchers for its medium-range Typhon missiles on the island of Guam, what would be a clear warning to Beijing to curb its military aspirations. The Pentagon could also resort to a false flag attack against the US navy deployed on the islands near Taiwan, (recalling the explosion of the battleship Maine in Cuba in 1898) and a subsequent nuclear pre-emptive attack against vital Chinese targets, Using Trident II missiles.

In short, we are in an uncertain scenario that could lead to a global conflagration with unforeseeable consequences for the human species and the future of the planet.

Germán Gorraiz López


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