4 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

EcoWaste Coalition Promotes a Low-Carbon and Plastic-Free Holy Week

1 April 2023, Quezon City.  The EcoWaste Coalition, an advocate for a zero waste and toxics-free society, exhorted the faithful to mark the Holy Week with less carbon dioxide and less plastic waste.

“As we remember and reflect on Christ’s sufferings, we appeal to the faithful to keep the Holy Week as low-carbon and plastic-free as much as possible,” said Ochie Tolentino, Zero Waste Campaigner, EcoWaste Coalition.

Littered plastic bottles at a popular pilgrimage site in Bulacan.

“We invite the faithful to keep the health and wellness of Mother Earth in mind as faith-inspired acts of prayer, atonement and charity are carried out in our homes, churches and communities,” she said.

“Together, let us use the holy days, as well as the long weekend, to turn away from practices that poison and destroy the environment and the climate with pollutants such as vehicular emissions and plastic chemicals and wastes,” she said.

Ecological conversion and solidarity, the group pointed out, is urgently needed amid the triple planetary emergencies involving climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss, which threaten human health and livelihoods and the ecosystems upon which we depend on.

Towards a low carbon, plastic-free Holy Week, the EcoWaste Coalition invited the faithful to heed the following eco-measures:

1.  Turn your back on practices that pollute the environment such as the careless use and disposal of single-use plastics and littering in pilgrimage sites during the Passion Week and after.

2.  Minimize the use of plastic tarpaulins, which may contain toxic cadmium and lead, for announcing Holy Week activities.  Politicians should do away with “Happy Easter” plastic banners.

3.  Donate pre-loved clothes and other useful items to Caritas Manila’s Segunda Mana program and other donations-in-kind projects of other charitable organizations.

4.  Quiet down and “staycation” at home for a meaningful bonding time with your loved ones.  For those going out-of-town, remember: “take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time.”

5.  Keep the makeshift altar for the Pabasa ng Pasyon austere by using recycled or repurposed materials.  If painting is desired, pick lead-safe paints.

6.  Share food and water for the penitential Caridad in reusable instead of disposable containers.  Go meatless!.

7.  Observe a litter-free and smoke-free conduct of the Senakulo.

8.  Take public utility vehicles, bike or walk for the Visita Iglesia on Maundy Thursday.  Prioritize churches nearest to you to cut on fuel use and car emissions.

9.  Never litter on the Alay-Lakad trail to the churches of the Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage (Antipolo City), Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag (Pangasinan) and other popular shrines. Stay hydrated as you walk in the sun by bringing water in a reusable container.

10. Add an environmental dimension to your neighborhood’sVia Crucis on Good Friday  by picking up litter along the route.

11.  Light the carozza of the Santo Entierro with energy-efficient and mercury-free LED lamps and adorn it with locally-sourced flowers and plants.

12. Hail the Risen Christ during theSalubong on Easter Sunday without polluting firecrackers and fireworks, and balloons, too.  And keep the Easter fun activities for kids simple and, very importantly, not wasteful.

“As stewards or caretakers of God’s creation, it is our shared responsibility to demonstrate respect for the environment, especially when performing faith-based activities,” the EcoWaste Coalition reminded.


EcoWaste Coalition


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