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First meeting of Baloch community Netherlands

The Baloch Community Netherlands has been established and its first council session was held recently.

According to sources, on 29th April of 2023, Baloch individuals living in the Netherlands formed the first-ever community in the country.

The meeting took place at Vrij University Amsterdam.

All cabinet members were elected unopposed. Abdullah Jalamzahi elected as the first president of the community, with Hassan Janan as vice president and Abdul Ghani as the general secretary. Mujeeb Wali elected as the senior joint secretary and Abul Hassan as the information secretary.

A large number of Baloch residing in the Netherlands were present at the occasion. During the session, Abdullah Jalamzahi, Abul Hassan, Mujeeb Wali, Tahir Hamraz, Abdul Ghani, and others emphasized that the aim and objectives of this community are to provide a platform for Baloch people in the country so that they don’t feel far from their homeland. They further stated that they aim to create a positive and beneficial environment for the Baloch people living far away from their home and strive to find solutions to every difficult situation the community members face.

In conclusion, the speakers stated that they also aim to foster a strong bond with their culture, language, and motherland. They emphasized that no matter where a Baloch individual is living, preserving their cultural identity and language should be their primary agenda.

Islam Murad Baloch


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