6 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

Has Donald Trump already cleared the way to the White House?

The US Supreme Court agreed on Wednesday that it will decide whether “former President Donald Trump was granted presidential immunity” after being prosecuted for trying to reverse the results of the 2020 elections. Such a decision would be a victory and an oxygen ball for a Trump cornered by the judicial crusade, as it involves the stay of pending trials against him and the suspension of the decision of an Illinois judge to disqualify him for the primaries in that State, pending the ruling of the Supreme Court.
Given that three of the Supreme Court’s new judges were appointed by Trump, it seems likely that the Supreme Court’s decision will be delayed by several months, which will allow him to gain precious time to complete his electoral campaign in the face of the November Presidential elections, with which Donald Trump would have already cleared the way to the White House, not being discardable to be finally exonerated of such a charge by the High Court.On the other hand, if he is inaugurated President after the November Presidential elections, he would have the power to order his Attorney General to dismiss all federal charges against him and thus enjoy a clean political record.

Irregular Immigration as the central axis of the electoral campaign 
Irregular immigration, signs of Biden’s senility, the fentanyl crisis, the high cost of living and increased citizen insecurity would have plunged Biden’s popularity to historic lows of 38%, which would facilitate the triumphant return of Donald Trump in the presidential elections of November after clearly imposing himself on his rival Nikki Haley in the Supermartes of March 5 and being designated an official Republican candidate for the Presidential elections of November, focused its election campaign on irregular immigration.
Thus, according to Gallup’s latest monthly survey, irregular immigration tops the list of concerns of Americans.Specifically, immigration arrests would have increased from 1 million arrests with Trump to 2,47 million in 2023, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security, So, Trump in his visit to the border with Mexico, has stated in Eagle Pass (Texas) that “the United States is being invaded by Biden’s migrant crime”, so the issue of irregular immigration and the construction of the Wall, will be the central axis of his electoral campaign.Trump is a specialist in pushing the limits of the Everton window to introduce into it issues placed outside the framework and initially considered unacceptable by public opinion and that once inside the debate can be perceived as tolerable and as a paradigm for building the Wall to contain illegal immigrants.

Return of the Isolationist Doctrine with Trump
In 2000, in his book “The America We Deserve” (The America We Deserve), Trump defended the exit of the United States from the Atlantic Alliance to save spending and in his electoral program, which is called ‘Agenda 47’, it is stated that “we have to finish the process initiated under my Government of deeply reassessing the mission and purpose of NATO”.
Also, in a conference delivered by Trump at the headquarters of the influential political magazine “The National Interest”, Donald Trump exposed the outlines of his foreign policy that could be summarized in his motto “The United States first”, which in fact would mean the return to the Monroe Doctrine (America for the Americans) and the exit of the US from the military structures of NATO.
Trump’s probable victory in November would represent the decline of the Atlantist strategy of Biden and Soros committed to defending Putin from power, the return to the Doctrine of Peaceful Coexistence with Russia and the enthronement of the G-3 (US, Russia and China) as “primus inter pares” in world governance, with the EU, Japan, India and Brazil passing as stone guests in the new geopolitical scenario.

Trump and the autocracy
After being defended Trump of the main social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, proceeded to the launch of «Truth Social», a new social network born «to combat the great technological» called to be the media loudspeaker of the Trump ideology with a view to the 2024 Presidential Elections and which would be the first product of his company Trump Media Technology Group (TMTG)a media loudspeaker that will be used to spread the benefits of an autocratic government in the US, a kind of invisible dictatorship based on solid strategies of cohesion (mass manipulation and leader worship).
Given the current division of American society into two symmetrical and irreconcilable halves, it is likely that Trump will implant an Orwellian government that will drink from the sources of paternalism of soft dictatorships and be characterized by the cult of the leader, the use of disinformation and surveillance of the non-white population and political dissent, which would de facto be an autocratic government or kind of invisible dictatorship supported by solid strategies of cohesion (mass manipulation and cult of the leader).

Germán Gorraiz López


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