5 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

International Conference on debt and vulture funds

From 21 to 23 April at the Ateneo La Maliciosa in Madrid

The International Conference on debt and vulture funds will be held at the Ateneo La Maliciosa in Madrid from 21 to 23 April. During these three intense days, speakers from different countries and sectors will address the problems of debt and vulture funds from different angles, both in person and remotely, with the aim of making a diagnosis, exchanging experiences and seeking operational solutions to their consequences.

The new global debt crisis, debt in Latin America, Europe and Spain, specifically in Madrid and Valencia, are some of the titles of the round tables on territorial debt, which will be led by such names as Éric Toussaint, international spokesperson for the Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debts (CADTM); Jorge Fonseca, professor of Applied Economics at the Complutense University; and Carlos Sánchez Mato, economist and former councillor for Economy and Finance of Madrid City Council, among others.

Debt will also be analysed in certain ambits, such as climate and energy (by Alfons Pérez López, of the ODG); and the media (by Pere Rusiñol, director of the magazine Alternativas Económicas). For their part, Argentinians Luci Caballero and Verónica Gago will present A feminist reading of debt, remarking on the book of the same title that they have written jointly.

Vulture funds in different countries and essential basic sectors

With regard to vulture funds, their actions in different countries and essential sectors for citizens will be discussed. Julio Gambina (ATTAC-CADTM) will talk about their consequences in Argentina, and Amina Koné and Agnes Adelaide Metougou (ATTAC-CADTM), in Africa.

For their part, representatives of different groups will talk about the relationship between vulture funds and housing (Coordinadora de Vivienda de Madrid / PAH), vulture funds and health (Audita Sanidad) and vulture funds and energy transition (Ecologistas en Acción). In addition, journalist Manuel Rico, investigative director of Infolibre and author of the book Vergüenza. El escándalo de las residencias, will analyse the relationship between vulture funds and old people’s homes.

At the round table on alternatives to prevent vulture funds from acting in state debt and basic sectors, the experience of the Belgian law against vulture funds will be shared; Alejandro Aguilar Parrilla, regional secretary for Housing and Social Function of the Generalitat Valenciana, will present the Decree Law to deal with situations of vulnerability and residential emergency in the Valencia Region; and members of the Platform against Vulture Funds will present the draft of the Law that regulates the actions of vulture funds in Spain.

The conference will end with the launch and reading of the “Madrid Manifesto on debt and vulture funds”, which will bring together the various proposals obtained during the conference, followed by the presentation of the book El Banco Mundial. A critical history, by its author, Éric Toussaint, international spokesman for the CADTM, and a MEETING-COUNTER-COUNTER, moderated by Yago Álvarez (El Salto), between Éric Toussaint and journalists.

The international conference on debt and vulture funds was organised by the Platform against vulture funds, which is made up of Audita Sanidad, El pueblo que queremos, ATTAC Spain, Coordinadora de Vivienda de Madrid, CADTM, Ecologistas en Acción, FRAVM and Observatorio CODE. They also have the collaborator Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and the Citizen Debt Audit Platform (PACD).

Platform against vulture funds
E-mail: stopfondosbuitre@gmail.com
Twitter: @NoFondosBuitre

Free registration via the following link: https://forms.gle/gbHz4czYxtdbngJo6

The conference can be followed by streaming via the following link: https://www.youtube.com/@attactv/live

Media contact:
Ángel L. del Castillo
Tel. 630 98 06 82

Download here the programme of the conference

Redacción Madrid


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