4 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

Invitation: Beyond war and violence as a way to resolve conflict in the territories of Israel and Palestine

Israeli peace activist calls for the creation of a new forum to explore nonviolent solutions to the ongoing horrific violence in Israeli and Palestinian territory.
The session will take place at 19:00 Israel/Palestine, 18:00 Central Europe, 17:00 UK, 12:00 Eastern Standard Time (New York), 08:00 Pacific Standard Time (California).
It is open to anyone and will be held under the Chatham House rule

Six months have passed since the horrors of mass murder and brutal violence descended once again on the terrified inhabitants of the region of Israel and Palestine.

The global community of nations organised within the framework of the United Nations has found itself utterly incapable of providing any way to stop the killing.

Now, more than ever, those in favour of peace and those who reject violence as a way to resolve conflict need to come together to develop human-centred solutions.

Sharon Dolev, Executive Director of both the Israeli Disarmament Movement and the Middle East Treaty Organization, has launched a call, inviting anyone interested in discussing this topic to exchange views on the possible creation of a forum to find new and innovative ways to dismantle the hatred and to rebuild friendship, trust and solidarity among the people of West Asia and North Africa.

In the words of Ms. Dolev, “This evolving platform invites individuals to collaboratively shape its focus. Open to everyone, it encourages diverse perspectives, guided by the Chatham House rule to ensure meaningful, confidential dialogue. Here, outcomes are open-source, aiming to redefine international cooperation on societal challenges.”

To this end, anyone interested in this topic is invited to participate in a meeting on the zoom platform, details of which can be found below. The meeting is open to all.

From her home in Israel, Ms Dolev will host the meeting, provide further context for the proposal and hopes the event will serve as a catalyst for the creation of a wide network of people who are committed to the achievement of peace through the path of nonviolence.

Invitation text:

“An emerging initiative dedicated to catalyzing international discourse for civil society solutions. Focused on creating a dynamic environment for collaboration, this platform is where individuals will come together to explore and address various global challenges, starting with but not limited to nuclear disarmament.

“As a participant-driven space, the forum values the diversity of perspectives, encouraging contributions that shape its evolving agenda. Operating under Chatham House Rules to ensure open yet confidential dialogue, it aims to foster innovative, open-source outcomes that encourage widespread engagement and action.

“This platform is an invitation to be part of a collective effort to not only tackle specific issues like nuclear disarmament but also to experiment with new models of international cooperation and problem-solving.

“The forum introduces a dual-track structure. One track focuses on efforts toward nuclear disarmament and the other on the process of collaboration—how to work together effectively, overcoming obstacles that have hindered progress with other organizations in the past. This forum operates without a budget and is not an organization but a platform for individuals to form groups, set objectives, and devise strategies for organization. Participants, representing only themselves, are encouraged to collaborate, ensuring a range of insights and approaches.

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87497459620?pwd=bGVoZ1Vzb3YyeGdSS2tIVDZjNHBLZz09 Meeting ID: 874 9745 9620 Passcode: 650633

Pressenza London


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