8 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

Is the United States preparing a coup against Zelenski?

The Pentagon would have already seen its objective of preventing Russian expansion by having it encircled at its borders fulfilled, while the US Congress and Senate would already consider the Ukrainian conflict as a bottomless pit that should be immediately ended.

Does Zelensky intend NATO’s entry into the Ukrainian conflict?

Within the action-reaction dynamic of the new Cold War 2.0 scenario, Putin ordered his country’s Armed Forces to conduct tactical nuclear weapons maneuvers on the southern border with Ukraine.Likewise, Putin warned that “the use of Western weaponry by Ukraine against Russian territory could lead to very serious problems” and in response, “Moscow could provide long-range weapons to third parties to attack Western targets”.

Thus, the Ukrainian conflict could culminate in a low-intensity nuclear war through the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons “non-strategic”, also known as «tactical nuclear weapons», according to the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and of which Russia would own about 1,800 warheads and NATO had 250 warheads deployed in Europe.

Tactical nuclear weapons would be warheads designed for use on a limited battlefield, for example to destroy a tank column or a carrier battle group if used at sea, so they are also known as «underperforming».However, according to Union of Concerned Scientists (Union of Concerned Scientists), a simulation by Princeton University of a US-Russia conflict that begins with the use of a tactical nuclear weapon predicts «a rapid escalation that would leave more than 90 million dead and injured», with which the start of a low-intensity nuclear conflict could degenerate into a large-scale nuclear conflagration with disastrous results for humanity.

This would have set off alarms at the Pentagon and given that the priority of the Biden Administration would be the possible start of Israel’s war against Lebanon, Putin’s dangerous approach to Vietnam to prevent the formation of a nuclear arc against China as well as the presence of Russian warships in Cuba, the Pentagon would be weighing the need to sign a peace agreement with Putin’s Russia.Thus, the Pentagon would have already seen its objective of preventing Russian expansion by having it encircled on its borders fulfilled while the Congress and Senate would already consider the Ukrainian conflict as a bottomless pit that should be ended immediately.

Peace Agreement in Ukraine?

The growing wave of American political disaffection with Zelenski would span the entire American political spectrum.Thus, Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in an interview in “New Statesman” stated that “The US is sending $113 billion to Ukraine when a quarter of US citizens go to bed hungry”.

On the Republican side, former President Donald Trump said in his networks that “we have never been so close to World War III” and that there must be a “total commitment to dismantle the globalist neoconservative power group responsible for dragging the world into endless wars”. Likewise, the Republican candidate Ron Desantis, affirmed that “Washington has many vital national interests, but getting even more entangled in the territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them”.

For his part, Putin seeks a Peace Agreement that establishes that Ukraine will not enter NATO and that the Ukrainian dispute is outlined with the division of Ukraine into two halves, leaving the East of the country, including Crimea, the Donbas, Zaporiyia and Kherson under Russian orbit and the Center and West of present-day Ukraine will sail under the tutelage of the West, while the imaginary line linking Kharkov, Zaporiyia, Bajmut and Rubizhne would become the new Berlin Wall of the Cold War 2.0.

Such an agreement would be torpedoed by the plot led by Zelensky, Poland and British intelligence and whose avowed goal would be to involve NATO in the Ukrainian conflict, The United States would thus have become a liability from which it would be advisable to move immediately.

New cartography of Ukraine?

Zelinski’s presidential term expired on 20 May and although the Ukrainian Constitution allows for the automatic extension of the office in case of war, part of the opposition questions the legitimacy of this extension on the grounds that the position should pass to the current President of the House, Ruslan Stefanchuk.Also, according to “The Washington Post”, Zelenski dismissed officials close to the US who were willing to fight endemic corruption, among which stands the figure of Alexander Kubrakov, former Minister of Infrastructure and was in charge of the reconstruction of the country.

Corruption is an endemic problem in Ukraine because according to the Transparency Index, it would have 32 points out of 100 and according to the NGO Transparency International, in 2021, 23% of public service users would have had to pay some kind of bribe.

Since Zelensky would already have become a liability for the United States, which should be removed immediately, a coup led by Lieutenant General Valerii Zaluzhnyi would not be ruled out, defended by Zelensky for his tactical disagreements and true leader of the Ukrainian Army. Such a coup would have the blessings of the United States and after being accused of corruption, Zelenski would be forced into exile in the United States and would be replaced by Alexander Kubrakov , who will be in charge of negotiating the Peace Agreement with Russia and the subsequent task of rebuilding the country.

Also, after the defenestration of Zelenski, we could attend the design of the new cartography of Ukraine.Thus, Poland claims its right to incorporate into the Polish map the Ukrainian region of Lviv which was already occupied by Poland from 1918 to 1939.To achieve this, Poland has suspended the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe implying that Poland “would no longer be obliged to comply with NATO provisions on limiting the size of armed forces and their deployment” and would therefore be free to occupy the Ukrainian region of Lviv and subsequently incorporate it into Poland following the signing of the future Peace Treaty between Ukraine and Russia.

For its part, Romania aims to annex the Northern Bukovina region, the Bessarabia region, the territory of Hertsa, including the Ukrainian region of Chernovtsi, bordering Romania and the Ukrainian region of Transcarpathia, with which the Ukrainian cartography under Kiev’s control would be significantly reduced and become a US Protectorate.

Germán Gorraiz López


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