Mr. Musk many times you have expressed concerns about the future of human consciousness. You said that humanity needs to get to Mars in order to preserve human consciousness.
In the meantime, I believe that here on earth human consciousness needs to be saved and amplified. Lately, I have to say that I don’t understand your actions and decisions. It seems you are on a dangerous path. I do believe that many decisions you took in your government function will generate limitations of activity of human consciousness in the world. In fact, Mr. Musk by cutting expenses in education, science, and healthcare and by not replacing these programs with others you create conditions for the regression of human consciousness and the regression of intentionality.
It’s fundamental in your position to understand that throughout history human consciousness has advanced and overcome various determinisms. This struggle between the mechanical forces (imposed by entropy) and the intentionality of human consciousness made it possible for our species to overcome various pain and suffering and liberate free energy for the psychism to create world and human realities.
The intentionality of the consciousness actively structured our vision of the world. Intentionality guides every action in which our consciousness happens to be involved, and in this way it tends to modify the world. A part of that world is registered by our consciousness as the internal world, but more significantly registered as a psychological space where consciousness of something is consciousness of oneself.
In this way intentionality becomes the capacity of our consciousness to structure its own function and give meaning to itself, and open the door to intentional self-modification. We see that the combined capacity of human consciousness to modify the environment and itself places intentionality as the strongest force known in all the universe and opposes entropy (understood as a mechanical force pushing everything to a state of destructuration) from where change and transformation are not possible. Then it’s right to say that consciousness and moreover the intentionality mechanism are the highest expression in our physical and human world.
But as science and technology advanced it didn’t help people to understand these great force from within. In fact, millons of people still struggle to resolve their basic needs. The fact is that present establish system keeps a vision of a closed future, promotes lack of communication among people and reduces faith in ourselves and in others by creating mistrust and fears.
Human intentionality expresses itself in the world in various ways, through Arts, science, technology, cosmology, poetry, medicine, etc. I believe the destiny of humanity must be oriented by the intentionality of human consciousness. I believe we have an historical opportunity to overcome the mechanical forces that still acting upon us and keep us immersed in a state of consciousness that limits our possibility of transformation as a species and our search for meaning in life.
In short, I believe you will agree we need to protected and support the amplifying human consciousness. But then we also need to ensure that those who possess political, technological and economic powers support this important task.
How can we support the amplification of human consciousness?
To undertake this important task we need to place the human being as a central value in our decisions and actions. It’s the only way to generate conditions to overcome this moment characterized by being non-human, anti-human and not yet entirely human.
As a libertarian, you already know that the way to amplify consciousness is to go toward Being-in-liberty
But today, many people are facing difficulties. Living in a violent system many are struggling with weakened nervous systems and are incapable of breaking free from their beliefs generated by a certain established system. This situation needs to change and one way to help people to step out of this situation is to provide conditions for consciousness to expand by offering a quality education and healthcare.
I do believe that education and healthcare are the highest collective values. They are the basic conditions for human consciousness to be active in the world. On top of that, viewing everything in terms of the priorities of education and health care will provide the correct framework for dealing with complex social, economic and technological challenges.
Finally Mr, Musk, will you be contributing to a negative outlook promoted by the establishing system or will you do things differently and promote human beings and the intentionality of consciousness as the highest values in your actions and decisions?
I hope theses reflections will guide you in your future actions and decisions..
Regards, Anne Farrell
Consciousness: is the apparatus that coordinates and structures impulses, working with sensations, images, and memories. As we have seen previously, this apparatus is not constituted at birth, but is articulated as all the sensations of the body are recorded by the senses and translated into impulses. This register apparatus is found in the body and, in turn, is linked to the sensations of the body.
Intentionality: is a fundamental mechanism of consciousness, through which it maintains its structurality by linking acts to objects. This connection is not permanent and is what allows the dynamics of consciousness since acts are in search of objects. This intentionality, always launched towards the future, is registered as a search, even when it works by returning to past events. The ordering of the past, present in future consciousness is working with the intentionality-evocation mechanism and it’s more effective if it occurs at the awaking level.