3 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

“No to extradition, Free Julian Assange!” in Buenos Aires, Argentina

“No to extradition, Freedom to Julian Assange!” is an international letter delivery event by a group of Argentinean activists to the UK ambassador, coordinated by “Free Assange Argentina” and “Free Assange Wave” in cooperation with the Nordic collective www.setjulianfree.org.

On Saturday 19 August at 12 noon at the UK embassy (Luis Agote 2412 in Buenos Aires), two letters will be delivered to the UK ambassador demanding “No to extradition! “and “Freedom for Julián Assange! This event is in response to a call launched by the “Set Julian Free” collective from Norway for the same letters to be delivered globally in different cities around the world. The decision of the British High Court is imminent, which will accept or not in a few weeks the request to appeal the extradition decision to the USA where he could face 175 years in prison.

The scope of the global action for now is limited to two spearhead countries: Norway and Argentina. Others will follow suit in the coming weeks.

The action consists of handing over a letter written by Chris Hedges, a Pullitzer Prize-winning American journalist and defender of Julian Assange’s cause. “There will be no freedom of the press if there is no freedom for Julian Assange”, says Hedges in his text. In Oslo, the referents involved are the actress Liv Ullman and other personalities of the Scandinavian nation.

In Argentina, a group of representatives will present two letters: Hedges’ letter and another of their own, signed by human rights, political and cultural personalities. “The United Kingdom has the sovereign possibility to set an international precedent in the defence of Press Freedom as a fundamental Human Right”, they say in the letter. Once the letters have been delivered, a press conference will be held outside the embassy.

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Iris Pereyra de Avellaneda, Ricardo Peidro, Marta Maffei, Javier “el profe” Romero are confirmed.

Attendance subject to agenda: Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Eugenio Zaffaroni, Tristán Bauer, Giselle Santana, Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo.

This event inaugurates a series of actions for Assange’s freedom, such as the film series “Assange Libre” which will begin on 26 August at 4pm at the CCK. Other actions will follow, culminating in a demonstration in the Plaza de Mayo on D-Day, date unknown, when the High Court will decide Julian’s fate. We will be there to add our resistance for him, and for our right to be informed with the truth.

Press contacts
Michelle Aslanides (FAW): 00 33 753225568 (whatsapp, signal, Telegram)
Elisabeth Uth (LAA): 00 54 9 11 3455-2356

Redacción Argentina


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