1 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

Oct 1st: Nonviolence is Our Future at the Hudson Valley Park

A day of education, interchange, visioning, and celebration to mark the International Day of Nonviolence

Sunday, Oct 1, 2023  10a – 5p

The world today is faced with multiple crises that are rooted in violence (physical, economic, psychological, sexual, interpersonal, etc). We try to respond to these problems but often the responses are as violent as the issue itself, deepening the crisis and generating more violence.

If the human being is to continue developing and our planet is to be saved, we will need to embrace nonviolence as a method of action, a style of life, and a framework for making decisions. Nonviolence offers the only path to a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.

To RSVP: https://forms.gle/xcyGxWKs2qVbdPGZ9

Presenters/panelists (list in formation):

David Swanson, Executive Director of World Beyond War (nonviolent responses to aggression);
Kazu Haga, author of “Healing Resistance: A Radically Different Response to Harm” & Patricia Rios, Community of Silo’s Message (reconciliation):
Pia Figueroa/Fernando García, Pressenza news agency (nonviolent journalism);
Mike Ishii, Tsuru for Solidarity (civil disobedience at the US border);
Yolanda Andersson/German Ramirez, Silo’s Message (applying the Golden Rule in today’s world)

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Pressenza New York


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