6 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

“Rhetoric vs. Reality: The Consequences of U.S. Indo-Pacific Militarization”

Every bit of U.S. government espoused fear-mongering and warmongering rhetoric, policies, and practices, perplexingly designed as a form of deterrence, bears scrutiny. Containing a rising China has been a primary focus in what has resulted in the downward vortex of arms and tactical escalations (presence as most profitable for the cohorts of the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Think Tanks-MSM-Institutions of Higher Education COMPLEX).

By Jan R. Weinberg

So why focus on the latest pronouncements of the Biden-Harris Administration officials Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Tony Blinken on their Indo-Pacific militarization tour – negotiating with U.S. armament systems and tax dollars exchanging hands?

Hold these thoughts:

Lloyd Austin and Tony Blinken, and their traverses through the Revolving Door in my opinion are glaring examples of undue influences of governments/corporate collusion.

As per Lloyd Austin’s militaristic boasting politically while claiming he is not being political:

Austin: “[Biden] will leave an extraordinary legacy of foreign policy achievements, including rallying the world to save Ukraine from Putin’s aggression, uniting and expanding NATO, and positioning America to compete with China and win.”

Me: “Win”? Seriously Lloyd, win?

Austin: “So I think in terms of — your second question was about Vice President Harris and her contribution to decision making processes. I won’t get involved in any kind of political commentary or political processes. What I will tell you is what I know. Having sat in meetings with her for three and a half years, having observed her provide input to some very complex decision making processes, she is always prepared. She is always — she always provides meaningful and very helpful input.”

Me: Okay Lloyd, I have a follow up question for you. Who wrote the song lyric: “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”?

Where were we?

The further erosion of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution (mandated to prevent offensive military engagement) – one of the most recent escalatory developments perpetrated by Austin and Blinken – is downright dangerous, unsustainable, and unacceptable. Albeit acceptable to the entirety of the U.S. foreign affairs elite.

Their plan to integrate the Japanese military into the auspices of the United States Indo-Pacific Command is a very bad idea especially if China holds with Japanese Empire’s atrocities prior to and during World War II, and what is remembered in China as the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.

As per the Japan Constitution, Chapter II, RENUNCIATION OF WAR, Article 9

“Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.

In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.”

My assertions being:

Putting aside for the moment that Japan, for quite some time due to U.S. interventions, already “maintains land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential” without having taken the course of a constitutional amendment. And lets also put aside for the moment – the extraordinary burden placed upon the peoples of Okinawa.

Let us focus our attention on the renunciation of the Article 9 provision to not threaten the use military force fostered by means of the elite’s reinterpretation of Article 9 in disregard of ongoing public protests.

INDOPACOM is all about threats of violence (as deterrence so it is claimed) evidenced by their daily provocative social media messaging. (ie Search Term: @INDOPACOM #Lethality)

Japan’s additional war-footing integration into INDOPACOM, being counter to Article 9, will further exacerbate hostilities with N. Korea and China – of which always reacts to U.S.-perpetrated arms and tactical escalations.


The further development of strategically located U.S. military bases and engagement in the Philippines – in exchange for an additional half a billion dollar gift – is downright dangerous, is not sustainable, and is not acceptable. Albeit acceptable to the entirety of the U.S. foreign affairs elite.

It is shameful that the United States government does not maintain a diplomatic corps separate from the Department of State which at the present time is integral to the war machine.

I believe that threats of violence is a form of violence and that preparations for war are an act of war.

We should not be surprised, and certainly anticipate, that Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion holds true.

Jan R. Weinberg, Show Up! America, peace activist, focuses his organizing, research, writing, and speaking engagements on the consequence of government/corporate collusion pertaining to servitude class structure, environmental degradation and the abdicated Constitutionally ascribed foreign affairs responsibilities of the United States Congress related to issues of trade regulations and war powers.

Pressenza New York


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