10 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

The word of the women – we demand progress at the Dialogue Table

Puel Mapu 29/03/23

Pu zomo taiñ zungun

Since the emergence of the Argentinean people, our Machi have been persecuted and imprisoned.

Today the country is at the forefront of human rights, but their practice of dispossession and criminalisation has not ceased. And this is not a failure. It is a decision.

In a few days it will be six months since the illegal detention of our lamuen Machi. 21st century, racism in Argentina is structural. No one checks, no one looks, no one seeks, much less recognises. (And if it seems an exaggeration read the latest news from the province of Mendoza, and its denialist policy) They believe that all their ancestors got off the boats, as if that gave them a status of neatness and good people.

In the history of the Argentinean people “they use prison as a method to dehumanise and erase all capacity of resistance, they hide behind 1000 falsehoods to justify their political imprisonment” (Pilar Calveiro “Power and Disappearance”).

Since October 4, 2022 we have, by decision of the executive power and a corrupt judiciary, four women in prison with nine children for usurpation. One is in hiding with five children, and the Rewe (ceremonial space) is guarded by four repressive forces.

As Mapuche women, we feel the pain and uncertainty that surrounds our lamuen, stuck in the racial hatred imposed by the state, which urgently listens to the whining of the recalcitrant right wing.

This year we did not have the change of lawen, nor did we renew our commitment to the Rewe.

Pu zomo, com inchiñ, lamuen, ñuque (we women, sisters, mothers) are not prepared to lose our capacity to resist. Because we are being disrespected in our practice of Mapuche Traditional Health and our spiritual practice. And this has serious consequences.

We demand the advancement of the Dialogue Table, as a resolution of the conflict, and not as a gesture of oblivion or submission to the state because we do not forgive the extreme and humiliating violence that they exercised on our lamuen. But precisely to stop the repression, the mistreatment of an entire Lof.

Because we are able to parley on the basis of our historical truth.

They will not lecture us, nor will we listen to the fear and terror that the state spreads through criminalisation.

Before we were born, we were denied, invisible, racialised. But we have pu lawen that heal the memories of pain left by dispossession. And it gives us strength to continue. We demand the freedom of our sisters, enough of being locked up for being Mapuche for being women.

Return of the machi Betiana Coluan Nahuel to her Rewe.

As pu zomo, as women, we raise our voices and assert our strength for it to walk free with our pu lamuen in the territories.

We ask for immediate response and progress of the Dialogue Table, by the National Parks Administration, the Secretary of Human Rights, the INAI, the Ministry of Women and the Ministry of Security of the Nation, today representatives of the Executive Power who have stalled the Dialogue, without having the minimum humanity to think about our sisters detained together with pu puchikeche.


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