Two New Major Realizations
By late 2023, it had become clear to countries all over the world that:
Nearly 10 rounds of US/NATO economic sanctions against Russia had no effect. in fact, the sanctions had the opposite effect of the one that was intended. Instead of collapsing, Russia’s economy jumped from number 6 in the world to number 4, surpassing Germany and Japan by the beginning of 2024.(1)
It became clear after a year and a half of battle, that Ukraine had no chance of winning the proxy war of attrition against Russia.(2)
The World Received Its Cue and the World Bolted (Away From the US)
The two aforementioned realizations made it clear to billions of people all over the world that the US/NATO no longer have the capacity to dominate Russia and China, who became economically and militarily joined at the hip at the beginning of 2022.(3) Over the course of the last 2 and 1/2 years, a global “bolt to BRICS” has ensued. There are now more than 50 countries that are either BRICS alliance members or who are prospective BRICS members.
BRICS has already more than doubled its membership over the course of the last 18 months and its numbers will double again within the next few years. As of December of 2024, BRICS already accounts for about half the world’s GDP and over half of this planet’s human population.(4)
The world received its cue in 2023/2024 and the world took it. Countries all over the globe have scurried and are still scurrying to join BRICS in order to break away from the economic and military violence that the US had been imposing on them over the course of the last 2 to 3 decades.(5)
The Biden Administration’s Last Ditch, Desperately Dangerous Attempt to Deny Reality
The thirty year era of Unipolarity, of US global dominance has come to an end.(6) The neocons in Washington and the Military Industrial Complex are almost certainly aware of the massive changes that were mentioned in the paragraphs above. None of the facts spoken about in this article are a secret, although the Western corporate legacy media rarely reports on many of them because they fall outside the narrative that they’ve been conditioned to follow.
The real problem is that the Biden administration and its advisors, who are essentially the same clique of neocons that have been running American Foreign policy since 2001, seem unable to psychologically accept that the Trump administration’s policies will bring on a discontinuation of two and a half decades of war-centered globalist foreign policy.(7)
What we’re witnessing now, in the last few weeks of the US bipartisan neocon establishment’s 30 year Unipolar run, is a final desperate, psychotically dangerous attempt to provoke Russia into declaring war with the US/NATO. Their logic being, that by starting a World War over the course of the next few weeks, there’d be a chance to keep the unipolar era of perpetual war and US dominance going.
This is why the Biden administration is risking global nuclear destruction by suddenly ok-ing the shooting of long-range US missiles deep into Russia’s mainland.(8) Within the last two weeks the US has also combined forces with Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria (Russia’s ally).(9) The result has been a massive escalation of the war there. This is yet another possible way to pull Russia into a global conflict involving the US and NATO. All of this escalation started shortly after Trump won the election on November 6th.
In their ideologically closed minds, accepting multi-polarity, accepting the end of the era of US dominance and the beginning of an era of global interdependence among nations, is akin to accepting death itself. It seems they’d sooner see the entire world burn than admit to being out-witted and out-maneuvered by Russia and the BRICS contingent.
What About Trump? Does He Understand the Massive Global Changes that Have Taken Place Over the Course of the Last Three Years?
So far there’s no indication that Trump, who has already proposed “heavy tariffs” for BRICS nations, understands the breadth of the global economic changes that have taken place since he was last in power at the end of 2020. He doesn’t yet understand that the US has already lost the economic leverage that formerly made tariffs like the ones he’s proposing a viable threat.(10)
What Trump DOES understand though, is that the last 2-plus decades of de-industrialization and perpetual war have been deeply harmful to the US. Trump certainly has his share of learning and acceptance to undertake over the course of the next few years. That said, it’s hard to imagine a course of action anywhere near as dangerous and/or as dumb as the one that the current suicide squad of neocon ideologues in Washington have us on at the moment.