2 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

Yanis Varoufakis brutally attacked by group of thugs in Athens

Last night Yanis Varoufakis, secretary of MeRA25 Greek party and founder of DiEM25, was attacked in Exarchia, Athens and was taken to hospital with injuries. The condemnation of the violence towards the Greek MP came from (almost) everywhere, as he says, while investigations continue to identify the perpetrators of the attack in one of the most policed areas of Athens.

Here is the announcement of DiEM25:

A short while ago, Yanis Varoufakis was the victim of a cowardly attack. He was at an Athens restaurant with DiEM25 members from all over Europe, when a small group of thugs stormed the place shouting aggressively, falsely accusing him of signing off on Greece’s bailouts with the Troika. Varoufakis stood up to talk to them but they immediately responded with violence, savagely beating him while filming the scene.

We are not afraid, we will not retreat, and we will not flinch in the face of intimidation. MERA25 Greece and DiEM25 will continue to face up to lies and speak up for common people in Greece.

In a post on Twitter after last night’s attack, Yanis Varoufakis wrote:

“Thank U to our Greek NHS staff for treating me. Thank U all for your solidarity. Let us please stay focused: We are mourning the 57 victims of rail privatisation. We support the spontaneous youth rallies, the greatest hope that Greece can change. See you at the demonstrations.

By they bye: They were not anarchists, leftists, communists or members of any movement. Thugs for hire they were (and looked it) who clumsily invoked the lie that I sold out to the troika. We shall not let them divide us. Onwards!”

Thank U to our Greek NHS staff for treating me. Thank U all for your solidarity. Let us please stay focused: We are mourning the 57 victims of rail privatisation. We support the spontaneous youth rallies, the greatest hope that Greece can change. See you at the demonstrations 1/2

— Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) March 11, 2023

Pressenza Athens


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