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Bernie Sanders on the devastation in Palestine

We publish here the video (from X, formerly Twitter) in which US Senator Bernie Sanders addresses the Prime Minister of Israel on the Palestinian issue:

Bernie Sanders: “No, Mr. Netanyahu, you are not anti-Semitic or pro-Hamas point out that in six months his extremist government has killed 34,000 Palestinians and wounded more than 78,000 Palestinians and wounded more than 78,000, 70% of whom are women and children. Don’t use anti-Semitism to divert attention from your actions”.

Bernie Sanders: “No, Sr. Netanyahu, no es antisemita o pro-Hamas señalar que en seis meses su gobierno extremista ha matado a 34.000 palestinos e hirió a más de 78.000, 70% de los cuales son mujeres y niños. No utilice el antisemitismo para desviar la atención de sus actos”. pic.twitter.com/1K1jPjxMNI

— Palestina Hoy (@HoyPalestina) April 29, 2024

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