5 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

International Reconciliation Movement expresses concern about the escalation of war and the nuclear risk

The Movimento Internazionale della Riconciliazione (International Reconciliation Movement) (Italian non-violent organization adhering to the International Fellowship of Reconciliation) expresses concern about the further overheating of the climate of international conflict following the holding of the NATO Summit in Vilnius, the capital of a state [Lithuania] bordering the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Furthermore, in that same delicate area, just a month ago, the massive joint exercises of the NATO armed forces in the Baltic Sea (BALTOPS 23) ended, involving 20 nations, 50 ships, more than 45 aircraft and 6,000 men. This series of sensational large-scale maritime and amphibious military maneuvers was led by the US 6th Fleet and controlled by the ‘Allied’ Naval Strike and Support Forces (STRIKFORNATO), based in Portugal, but its most general field is in the Metropolitan City of Naples, where the NATO Joint Command (JFC Naples) is based, headed by an Admiral who is also the head of the 6th Fleet and Commander of United States Naval Forces in Europe and Africa (USNFEA) .

“Our association, inspired by an interreligious spirituality, has been working for disarmament, peace and reconciliation for over 70 years, with a view to promoting active nonviolence and a consequent alternative model of defense, civilian, non-armed and nonviolent – declares the president Ermete Ferraro – The MIR has always fought for the affirmation of the universal right to conscientious objection to war and its preparation. However, we note that, thanks to the lack of information, international sensitivity to its continuous violations is still low.

The tragic and devastating reality of the armed conflict following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its heavy humanitarian and environmental consequences have been under everyone’s eyes for too long and would require real diplomatic actions and authoritative international mediation. Unfortunately, on the other hand, deleterious logics of alignment as well as warlike and militarist narratives prevail, for which Italy too has in fact become a co-belligerent country and [is] at risk, as it supplies armaments to a country at war”.

Membership of the Atlantic Alliance – at the time motivated as a defensive counterpart against the now non-existent Warsaw Pact – has been preventing an autonomous foreign policy for decades and has considerable political and even economic costs for the states belonging to NATO, including the Italy, [as it] continues to steal for military and potentially war purposes precious resources that could be invested in civil and social fields.

Furthermore, the thirty-year eastward expansion of the Atlantic Alliance is always causing new tensions and irresponsibly fueling a conflict that is undermining world peace and security.

“The growing risk of a terrifying accident at the Zaporižžja nuclear power plant and of the unfortunate use of tactical nuclear weapons in this war – adds Ferraro – deeply challenges us as believers, nonviolent and ecopacifists. The MIR, with other organizations, is also taking care of protecting and assisting Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian deserters and objectors who risk imprisonment and even the death penalty. In this context, it should be denounced that Lithuania, which hosts the NATO summit, instead of welcoming them as refugees, prevents their access to the EU and threatens to hand them over to those who would inexorably condemn them».

MIR appeals to the Italian government to adhere to the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons and to take into account the will of the majority of Italians, opposed to the shipment of arms and to further involvement of our country in the deadly (and unconstitutional) logic of a conflict, regrettable (and in fact impossible) resolution of this and many other international controversies.

Contacts > presidency@miritalia.orgermeteferraro@gmail.com – 3493414190

MIR Italia – Movimento Internazionale della Riconciliazione


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