2 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

Mitigation sovereignty or sovereign mitigation in the face of climate change?

Latin America is called to dialogue at the European Union’s table on the implementation of renewable energies as a strategy to mitigate climate change. At the summit with the European Union on 17-18 July, CELAC member governments made clear their demand to be on the same level as Europe in decisions concerning this issue.

What are the real interests behind the implementation of multi-million-dollar policies aimed at developing “clean energy systems” and what are the real interests in improving the concerning global climate change situation?
And above all, at what cost does it make sense to implement such strategies?

The news of the felling of more than 15 million trees to clear land for the erection of gigantic wind turbines in Scotland is dated 23 July. The same issue is again being proposed for biofuels, which “can be significant, provided that the main environmental risk – the occupation of natural spaces – can be controlled” (ECLAC 2008).

In order for Latin American countries not to succumb to the large-scale power struggles between oil and renewable energy corporations, the path of a common front that guarantees protection and support for the sovereign decisions of the different countries seems to be the most viable option. Will Latin American countries know how to keep their economies stable so as not to depend on pressure from multinational “green economy” companies and take the space to govern their own decisions jointly, so as not to repeat the colonialist mechanisms in the 21st century, painted in green?

https://gaceta.es/europa/escocia-tala-16-millones-de-arboles-en-escocia-para-hacer-sitio-a-aerogeneradores-20230723-0600/#:~:text=Scotland%20tala%2016%20million%20of%20%20%C3%A1trees%20for%20making%20sitio%20a%20a%20aerogenerators&text=The%20fight%20against%20the%20emergency,believers%20of%20the%2020la%20religi%C3%B3n%20clim%C3%A1tica .

Cristina Bianchi


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