7 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

New independent community media “Tierra Libre, CSA” Comunicación Sin Ataduras (Unbound Communication)

We welcome Tierra Libre, an independent media with strong roots in the popular world, which was born from the initiative of a group of friends, who with extensive background and experience in Chilean community media, have the desire to contribute to create a digital media that can reach workers, housewives, young people, children, the elderly, to deliver truthful information, without any kind of strings attached; civic formation and political information to generate critical opinions; our own national and Latin American culture, rooted in our territories, in our ancestral peoples, in our origins; healthy and creative entertainment; to show initiatives of care and respect for nature and biodiversity, as well as having as its main axis freedom of expression and the unrestricted defence of human rights in their broadest expression.

The social outburst of October 2019 found traditional journalism dependent on large economic groups, weakened and with a lack of credibility in the information provided. For their part, the independent media ceased to be witnesses to a citizens’ revolt and became protagonists in unveiling the actions of the groups controlling the national journalistic agenda, concealing human rights abuses, the attempt to curb and stifle social demands and the unstoppable affront of a sector that sought to maintain the status quo, at the cost of death, mutilation and torture.

One consequence of this crisis of confidence in the traditional media was that it changed the pattern of news consumption and news habits of Chileans, particularly online users, which exacerbated the pre-existing trend towards digitalisation. In this context, a series of independent, community-based digital media emerged, which, through social platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, managed to viralise their alternative coverage of the outbreak, its causes and consequences.

We need citizens to believe in communication and information, and for this to happen, journalism independent of political, corporate and business groups or parties is absolutely necessary. With a clear stance in defence of the people, minorities, human rights, prisoners of consciousness in general, children and adolescents, the elderly, working people, women in their broadest diversity, animal rights and the environment.

Tierra Libre wants to be a media that courageously denounces fundamental social, economic, educational, labour, cultural and environmental injustices. A media that promotes the arts, music and literature and educates through them, especially in our territories and at a national level, helping to create and strengthen a true civic consciousness, and helping to connect communities with technical, university or professional educational institutions; a media that also provides entertainment, joy and good humour.

It has begun to develop a weekly programming schedule that is being transmitted through different virtual platforms, where we are welcoming the communicational work of different social, political, cultural, environmental, etc. organisations, among which we can especially highlight the Museum of Memory and Human Rights. It is precisely with this last organism that we have a permanent link that unites all the participants, through the transmission on Fridays at 22:00 hrs. of the weekly documentary that is made available to us and other popular media such as Quilicura TV, El 3 de Conce, Señal 3 La Victoria, and Galactika Media of San Antonio.

In addition, and after a prolific time in the establishment of mutual trust, which began with the broadcast of the series “La cultura choca”, followed by the interviews of the series “Constructoras de Futuro” and is about to broadcast the documentary “RBU nuestro derecho a vivir”, we are in a position to establish a permanent agreement for the broadcast of the documentary material and interviews of the International News Agency Pressenza, which will result in the broadcast of these documentaries every Tuesday at 9pm.

Tierra Libre aims to consolidate a digital media that covers territorial, human rights, political, social, economic, cultural and artistic issues, representing an important spectrum of society, with diverse looks and based on the people of Chile, to disseminate the work and projects scattered throughout the national territory.

To build truthful, timely and diverse communication spaces that generate spaces of knowledge and solidarity among the diverse social actors that are present in the different territories.

To set up a popular and independent media that contributes diverse ideas and proposals regarding the reality of each territory, emphasising culture, the arts, memory, heritage, politics, human rights, sexual and reproductive rights, among others, using diverse didactic resources that allow us to reach all audiences.

It wants to generate and produce truthful and relevant content on various topics that help to re-install the importance of a true civic culture from an early age, the only way to achieve a harmonious, respectful and sustainable life for our country.

It wants to position itself as a means of communication in the various digital channels and form communication networks to expand and enrich the material delivered to the public. Maintain and deliver information of interest that responds to the expectations of the public and the objectives of formation and truthful information.

It seeks to have wide and timely coverage with a responsible, consistent, committed and supportive work team, always open to welcoming those who share these principles and want to be part of this media.

It tries to reach an agreement with other independent media, in order to fight together for the expression of the majority, creating spaces of trust, work and fraternity.

Redacción Chile


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