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#NoWar2024: Resisting the USA’s Military Empire, happening on September 20-22!

The #NoWar2024 Conference is our most ambitious conference yet, spanning 4 continents across 3 days, plus all sessions will be livestreamed on Zoom.

#NoWar2024 will bring together activists from dozens of countries to examine the impacts of the USA’s network of 900+ foreign military bases in 90 countries, which provoke war, pollute communities, and steal land from Indigenous peoples. Over 40 speakers from around the world will address the social, ecological, economic, and geopolitical impacts of U.S. military bases in their regions, plus the powerful stories of nonviolent resistance to prevent, close, and convert bases to peacetime uses. All sessions will have English<>Spanish interpretation.

Register for the #NoWar2024 Conference Online or In-Person!

#NoWar2024 kicks off on Friday, September 20 from 7:00pm-11:00pm ET, livestreamed from Sydney, Australia. We’ll hear from eminent strategic thinkers, Indigenous campaigners against nuclear weapons, activists, and civil society leaders about Australia’s complicity with U.S. war-making and how the country hosts dozens of U.S. bases.

Then, on the International Day of Peace, Saturday, September 21, from 8:00am-12:00pm ET, we’ll hear from campaigners in Germany and from across Europe about U.S. and NATO expansionism across the continent — and how activists successfully prevented military bases in the Czech Republic and Montenegro.

On the afternoon of Saturday, September 21, from 3:00pm-7:00pm ET, we’ll hear from activists in Latin America about militarization across the region, and three powerful success stories of preventing or closing bases in Vieques, Puerto Rico; Ecuador; and Colombia.

After traveling the globe and exploring the impacts of U.S. military bases in different regions of the world, we conclude the conference in Washington, DC, the heart of the empire, on Sunday, September 22 from 1:00pm-5:00pm ET. We will map out the extent of the empire using World BEYOND War’s bases mapping tool, examine the local and global impacts of these bases, and discuss the intersections between the environmental justice and anti-war movements. 

Check the conference website for the schedule details and to find the event times in your time zone.

Get your ticket to join us on Zoom or in-person!

Among the 40+ speakers from around the world, we’ll hear from:

David Swanson, World BEYOND War’s Co-Founder and Executive Director
Marjan Naderi, an Afghan-American poet and performer, and the former D.C. Youth Poet Laureate (2020)
Dr. Cynthia Enloe, renowned feminist scholar and author of Bananas, Beaches and Bases
Kathy Kelly, World BEYOND War Board President
Megan Russell, Coordinator of CODEPINK’S China is Not Our Enemy Campaign
Glenn Diesen, Norwegian academic and political scientist
Karina Lester, Indigenous anti-nuclear activist and ICAN Ambassador
Bob Carr, former Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs
Ricardo Armando Patiño Aroca, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense of Ecuador during the government of Rafael Correa
Diana Salcedo López, president of LIMPAL, the Colombia section of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
Alejandra Rodríguez Peña, member of the Olga Castillo Collective, an organization that works for justice and reparations for victims of sexual violence by U.S. military personnel in Colombia
And many, many more!

World without Wars and Violence


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