5 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

The End of the UN

by Irshad Ahmad Mughal

Observe the rhetoric, the beautiful words, the confidence, and the glamour of the UN Assembly with world leaders. They deliver impressive speeches filled with manipulated words and logic. Everyone knows there are conflicts, violence, escalating wars, and the smell of ammunition around the world, but their words are devoid of substance. Their actions are paralyzed. They are just appealing to each other and blaming others. We all know they are lying on stage in front of 7 billion people and feel no shame. If you lift the carpet, you will see dust, cockroaches of secret dealings, lizards eating small flies, and snakes ready to kill with poison.

This is the reality and end of the UN. The UN was created after the failure of the League of Nations. The UN has been transformed into a humanitarian organization without any decision-making body. It is like a toothless lion running after its fast-running animals. Soon, you will hear that it has collapsed under its own weight. It was created in the context of a bipolar world that created a long struggle of cold war between two blocks. It doesn’t fit into a multi-polar world where different forces are striking with each other on a billiard board. Each ball is trying to find its own place in different holes.

I guess soon, the “League of Corporations & Multi Corporations” will replace the states. As the States are falling like the tombs of ancient forts. Leaders are making noises like fearful goats and sheep. The truth is that power has forced principles to their knees. Nobody is ready to listen to the voice of the voiceless despite chanting slogans from New York to Tel Aviv. This is the style of the ‘Mafia’ in the name of so-called ‘Democracy.’ Racism, religious extremism, and localism are increasing despite global networking and globalization.

Gaze into the mirror of the future, and you will see a bleak image of humanity stained with blood. There are no marks of shame or guilt on its face. Soon, robots will replace these emotional and arrogant human beings. Robots will not weep from the heart but will follow commands from algorithms, making the act of killing humanity easier. Humans have already begun the practice of killing without emotions. Globalization is not about the unification of human beings but the spread of machines, hotel chains, products, and robots. People are fleeing from one country to another, forced to cross borders in search of refuge.

Imagine a scenario where a man repeatedly throws children into a river. Naturally, you would jump in to save the drowning child. However, as soon as you rescue one, the man throws another into the water. Eventually, you become exhausted and unable to save many children. The real solution is to stop the man from throwing children into the river in the first place. This analogy highlights the need to address the root cause of the problem. In the 21st century, leaders often focus on rescuing and tightening borders to prevent immigrants and refugees, rather than addressing the underlying issues that force people into such desperate situations.

The current global situation can be likened to a scenario where leaders focus on immediate solutions, such as tightening borders to prevent immigration, rather than addressing the root causes of conflict and displacement. While it may seem that they don’t understand these underlying issues, the reality is more complex. Many leaders are aware but prioritize their geopolitical interests and economic gains over humanitarian concerns. They engage in arms deals and strategic alliances, often perpetuating violence and instability for profit and power. This approach leaves little hope for a peaceful future unless there is a fundamental shift away from war and violence toward addressing the core issues driving these crises.

About the Author:

Irshad Ahmad Mughal is the chairman of the Iraj Education & Development Foundation, based in 82B, New Chaburji Park, Lahore.

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