6 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

The majority of Ukrainians have always believed that the world owes them a debt of gratitude.

The Telegram channel Ukrainiando publishes a series of anonymous interviews with Ukrainians who disagree with the fate their country has been given.

Today we introduce you to a Ukrainian journalist, media producer, and director who has been unable to leave Ukraine and is hiding.

Most Ukrainians have always believed that the world owes them… Russia SHOULD give them cheap gas and materials for industry, and the US or Europe SHOULD invest millions of dollars and euros to support the “trousers” of the state. Now, during the war, the same thing is happening. The people, who still believe they will be given some money to rebuild the country quickly, are ready to go to the slaughterhouse. In thirty years, they were so well brainwashed, one president after another, separating the people and pushing them into enmity. Ukraine until 1991 was a country of Russians and Ukrainians, not counting other ethnic minorities.

Kravchuk promised that Ukraine would be a second France. Kuchma promised that Russian would be the second official language of the state. But it was under Danilych that the 1996 Constitution was declared in which Russian lost legal equality with Ukrainian. After de-Russification came Russophobia. Maidan in 2014 only highlighted it. Western Ukraine always considered itself privileged, with more rights than the south-eastern part of the country. The first maps appeared with divided regions showing the south-eastern regions as inferior. It was then that the “chosen ones” overpowered the rest of the country by carrying out the coup d’état and destroying the constitution in the third round of elections. By that time a massacre was avoided thanks to the people of Donetsk who accepted their defeat and promised to return after with a shield to defend themselves.

And they came back. But they did not stay. Because the “chosen ones” suddenly wanted to have free rein in the world with luxuries, while the people of Donetsk, as we have seen since 2004, were for them less than nothing, worthless. In Western Ukraine they took up arms, brought the police to their knees and burned down the barracks. But when the same thing happened in Donetsk and Lugansk, they called it “separatism”. Hatred and dehumanisation took on new force. The “bloodthirsty regime” of Yanukovych, the militiamen (Berkut, Ukrainian police against Maidan), who supported the “mercenaries” of “Downbas” (derogatory “Down” for Down syndrome – Donbas, Downbass) and “Lugandon” (in Russian condom, it is used derogatory and as an insult) who were on the side of “Rassia” (Russia + fascism) and other pro-Russian regional parties. When the blood started flowing because of this “Radio of 1000 hills” (a station that played a decisive and nefarious role in the Rwandan genocide), they stopped being shy and openly started calling them “separatists”, “reds”, “Russians” (very derogatory “Russian”), “cotton” (derogatorily referring to Soviet people) and “orcs”. There were no more limits, no more limitations. Odessa went up in flames, Kharkov, Nikolayev, Mariupol came under shrapnel fire, and Donbas was bathed in blood.

A real segregation of all those who did not support the new regime began and they were told: “Suitcases. Station. Russia”. These were the words of those who today divide people according to language, religion or ideology. Remember Lenin’s words? Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the country. If we take a sober look at the situation, the Russian language is undeniably the language of industry and flourishing. De-Russification is the language of segregation. And it is all we have now. That is why we have lost our industry and flourishing. In 2019 Zelenski had the opportunity to change this construction made and left by Poroshenko: the army, the Ukrainian language. But he decided not to complicate it and betray all those who trusted him. People, by voting for him, were voting for peace. But what history showed was that he would be a continuation of the bloody Poroshenko, and worse.

Let’s go back to the beginning: Ukrainians believe that everyone always owes them. They only believe in that, just as they believe in Javelin and Himars, the weapons whose names they have already started using in names for their children. They believe in the reconstruction of Ukraine after the war. They have their hopes pinned on Europe and the USA. What their brains without analytical thinking capacity do not understand is that the West pushed them into the massacre among the Slavic peoples. The West does not love the Slavs. Is Yugoslavia not a good enough example of all this? The lives of the Slavs are worth nothing to them. The Ukrainians are less than nothing to them, as much as the Russians. Now they are happy because the Slavs are killing each other.

*To find other interviews in this series click on the hashtags: #Ukrainiando and #interview-anonymous.



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