4 മിനിറ്റ് വായിച്ചു

Transformative Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: Horizons and Practices for Social Justice

Between 22 and 26 April, students, teachers, activists and authorities defending the human right to education will gather and mobilize in more than one hundred countries around the world for the Global Action Week for Education 2024 (SAME 2024).

Under the theme “Transformative education builds social justice, peace and sustainable development”, this year’s SAME 2024 aims to draw the attention of civil society and governments to the need for a real and effective commitment to the human right to an education that generates transformations that deepen social justice, without discrimination or violence of any kind.

As part of the activities of this week of global mobilization for education, the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) will develop a virtual event that aims to contribute to the reflection and mobilization on the theme of SAME 2024 from Latin America and the Caribbean, deepening the perspective on what makes education transformative, to guarantee it as a human right that contributes to social justice.

To this end, the meeting will be a virtual meeting divided into two blocks:

Block 1: Transformative Education: How does education change the world?

The idea of this block is to analyze how education transforms the world. To do this, some questions are important:

What makes education transformative?
What is the narrative we want to defend/emphasize about transformative education?

What are the pitfalls of transformative education?

Transformative for what?

We understand that for there to be transformative education, there must be democracy and social (socio-environmental and economic) justice on the horizon. In other words, for there to be transformative education, there must be democracy, and for democracy to endure, its horizon must include the guarantee of social justice.

Therefore, the idea of the first block is to talk more deeply about democracy and social (socio-environmental) justice and their relationship with the human right to education. We approach the analysis of the context in which transformative education is located from our perspective.

Mediation: Ángeles Ferreira, from the Paraguayan Network for the Right to Education.


Education and Democracy – Representative of the CLACSO Democracy WG.
Education for socio-environmental justice – representative of Latindadd
Closure of the 1st block and opening of the debate – Nelsy Lizarazo, General Coordinator of CLADE
Debate – Ángeles Ferreira (mediation between audience and panelists)

2nd block: Educational practices for social justice

After discussing the context and horizon of transformative education, it is time to analyze education today and, more importantly, to look at practices that promote and strengthen transformative education, even when the context is not conducive to it. This part of the event will show more concretely the voices, drums, and actions of Latin America and the Caribbean on the path of transformation, in a more practical way.

Important questions :

What are the lessons for life?

What are the good practices that concretise the narrative of transformative education?

Moderator: Jorge Cabrejos (CPDE).


Education for Peace and Social Justice – Jesús Juárez (tbc)
Hacker culture: another technology is possible – Unicamp/SP representative (tbc)
Overcoming gender violence in rural schools – Representative from Nicaragua (tbc)

Debate: Jorge Cabrejos (facilitator between audience and panelists)

Closing: Presentation of RAP: Youth of Flama



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